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Subordinates city general EXP leveling

Updated: Jan 30, 2023

This guide is updated each time I receive updated layers verified to work so please send them to me if you have other layers verified to work!

All layers are always only sieges. You should equip your monarch with siege gear buff to maximize your success rate. Unless you got very good siege buffs the general rule is that you need a total layer power of 4 times the sub your attacking. (With good research and siege buffs it can be lower)

WARNING! Do not use siege layers lower than those verified here. When you attack a sub and loose, your sieges will be permanently killed and lost forever!


about 50K EXP per hit for general

(verified by Lynx):

10K each from T1-T9


about 150k EXP per hit for general

(verified by Lynx):

10k sieges each from T1-T10


about 450K EXP per hit for general (verified by Sephirot):

Total layer power 9M, T11-110K, T10-66K, T9-100K, T8-55K, T1 to T7-16K each layer. (Verified by Lynx):

Total layer power 5M, 80k t10, 50k t9, 30k t8, 60k t7 and 10k each t6-t1

EPIC SUB (gold)

about 3M EXP per hit for general (verified by Czar):

Total layer power about 37M, 500k T12, 300k T11, 150k T10. (Verified by King Big)

Total layer power TBD, 600k T12, 100k T11, 100k T10, 40k T1

Total layer power TBD, 100k T13, 500k T12, 100k T11, 100k T10 (verified by HiLyfe)

Total layer power TBD, 300k T13, 300K T12, 100K T11, 10k T10-T1

Total Layer Power 22M, 180k T12, 150k T11, 100k T10, 50k T9-T5, 15k T4-T1 (verified by Fernando)

Total Layer Power 17.3M, 85k T12, 155k T11, 125k T10, 50k T9-T5, 15k T4-T1. (verified by BranDiggety)

Remember that most likely you can compose your layers differently and still get zero damage so experiment by your self and always check your battle report after first attack to make sure you are not taking damage. Please report any other combinations you verify to me and I will add them to this guide.


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