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Revelation Of Maya Event Guide

Updated: Mar 24, 2023

The Mayan event can be difficult to understand, it certainly took me many tries to crack the method for it. I have compiled this guide as best i can from my own testing and research online. I have seen scores above 11000 however a lot of luck is required to reach this score. With my guide you should be able to at least crack the 10000 barrier pretty easily.

1. When you first enter the event three random buffs appears, the buff you need to get first is the "Logistic Supply". (Restores 3% of maximum troop amount for all the troop slots each time you enter a new level.) If you don't get it first time just restart the stage until you get it.

2. To maximize your score you need also to get as many stages as possible with "Poisonwood Totem Tower" in them. You can occupy these towers to gain additional points. So the optimal start for the event is to combine both the "Logistic Supply" with a "Poisonwood Totem Tower"stage. Refresh until you get this combination, dont setup any troops until you have this. Onward on further stages you want to occupy and get as many as these towers as possible. Remember to also occupy regular totem towers, these also gives points but less than the poisonwood ones.

3. Now when you have obtained step one and two you can set-up your troops. First of all equip all the five slots with generals that has siege buffs and populate with only sieges for all slots. From what i learned general gear or an dragon/beast does not apply. However skillbooks, speciality and power do apply. Therefore pick as many generals you have with siege buffs. (I tried all other troop combinations but the clean siege setup seems to work by far the best.

4. Now it's simply about clicking on the fog to uncover items and enemy. You want to completely clear everything on each stage before moving on. When attacking always attack with the maximum of 5 marches. Obviously when you get buff choices always choose buffs that will improve your sieges (HP, Defense and Attack buffs)

5. Each stage has one "boss", the Mayan High Priest. This one will drop the best buffs when killed. It's very important to pick the right buffs here! The ones you should choose are in this order: "Triple Lines", you need preferably at least two of these after stage 8. This buffs stack so three or four is seven better. Each item gives 333% attack buff. For it to take effect you need to attack with three slots exactly!.

"Field Hospital", This one restores 20% of all troops lost after each stage. You need one of this as early as possible. This buff does not stack so you only need one.

Obviously it's a random thing what each priest will give so unless you don't get the two mentioned above you can also pick "Battering Arrow", "Hand of Plague", "Hand of Famine", "Ring of the Rhine", "Unstoppable Force", "Lucky Upgrading". Do not get the buff. “Desperate Measures” / “Hand of Death”, you will not be able to heal! The important thing is that you need to have one field hospital and at least one triple line buff from stage 10/11 and onward. Preferably two triple line buffs when you get to stage 16.

Remember that you can reset and retry on stage 1, 3, 8, 14 and 18. Dependent on how lucky or unlucky you are you can therefore drop back to any of these stages and try again. Sometimes i have gone back and forth between stage 8/9 and 14/15 over 15 times to get the stage and buffs i needed.

Finally some last tips: - Whenever you get a mayan camp choose "Napoleon" with sieges if possible. - In order to conserve troops, do not remove the green poison fog. However if you get the buff that you don't take damage expelling them you should expel them all since each green fog adds some minor points. - Use healing items as little as possible, and use the Life Stream to heal. Use healing items only in the latter half of the stage. - To prepare for the last boss (level 20), save the following items without using them: Blade Rune (enemy HP reduction) and Prediction Rune (attack, defense, and HP +100%) - The more troops you have left not wounded after killing final boss at stage 20 will gain you more points. So therefore heal as many troops you can before attacking final boss. Therefore always save some healing runes to final stage.

Good luck in event! If you follow this guide you should easily reach above 10000 points.


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Nov 14, 2022

I managed to get 10,800 points without the Triple Lines buffs applied until stage 19, so don't lose hope if you don't get it right away. One of the seige buffs that really helped me out was the one that gave 30% chance to destroy Mayan Warriors and Gurads in one hit and 3% chance on the Mayan Priest Boss -- this one seems to stack so I had 3 of these during Stage 20 plus the Triple Lines one.

To achieve the most points at Stage 20, you want to try to end up with none of your marches taking damage with the final big boss. Again, I think this was achieved with the stacked seige buff that gives…

Dec 04, 2022
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Good info here, I will certainly take these into consideration. Thanks for helping out!

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