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Updated: Oct 10, 2022

Ghosting is a method to hide your troops from the enemy during PvP battle. This is a short how to on how and why this is important to learn. By ghosting/hiding your troops the enemy can attack your city but no troops will be wounded or killed.

Ghosting can be done by any of the following methods:

  1. Ghosting by alliance rally against a boss monster or city on the map. Click on boss or city, choose alliance rally and choose either a 30 or 60 minute rally. Select your march preset and click to complete rally. Now your troops are hidden from your city and cannot be attacked by enemy player. Continue to create rally’s until all your troops are hidden.

  2. Ghosting by marching troops against any monsters or city far away on map.Find a common/boss monster or city far away on the map from your own city, click on target and send out one attack march. Continue sending attack marches until all troops are out. As long as the troops are marching they cannot be attacked by enemy’s.

There are pros and cons with ghosting and the different alternatives. You can do a combination of A and B or only one of them. Option A is faster and you can cancel the rally and get your troops back faster. What you do will depend on your current situation, the time you have and type of war.

When you ghost troops you cannot teleport your castle, to teleport all troops must be inside your city first. The method you use should also be depended on what type of PvP you play. If you attack on your own server during KE you should rally/march against boss monster because then you can ghost all your troops by being bubbled. If you march or rally against a city your bubble will be removed. When in battlefield or on enemy server without bubble you can also use any enemy city to march/rally against since you don’t have any bubble possibilities anyhow. Exemption is when you first teleport to an enemy server during SVS, you then get a five minute bubble so you have five minutes to teleport to a desired location and ghost your troops. After the bubble is gone you cannot get any more bubble protection.


When ghosting you must remove your wall general or else he will be killed when enemy attack your city. You must also make sure to turn of automatic reinforcements from your sub city’s or else they will defend your city when attacked and you loose all sub city troops and generals.

Be prepared before you plan to ghost, create march presets that are ready to be ghosted quickly and make sure you know what marches to un-ghost if you decide to defend or attack an enemy. Usually you must always have a dedicated ranged march preset that you can unghost quickly for attacks. The other march presets is not so important, only that you get all other troops out from your city.

When an empty city is attacked without troops the only things that will be damaged is the wall HP and any traps you have. If you plan to be active in PvP and battlefield (which you should) I recommend not to use or build any traps. Traps have a minimal effect on your overall defenses and will only be expensive to rebuild since they get destroyed when attacked. I would recommend to not build for any defenses since they are useless in a ghosting PvP scenario. Also your defense is useless when you meet an attacker far above your keep level, you will lose those defenses no matter how many traps you have. Defense becomes a strategy only when you reach keep level 32 and above. When you become keep level 35 you must focus on defenses since you most likely will have more troops than you can ghost. Also the more troops you have the longer time it will take you to ghost all of them.

When you are ghosting troops watch out for your wall HP when being attacked, if it reaches 0 you will be force ported to a new location and with all your ghosted troops inside your city. You can repair your wall to avoid being force ported. No matter wall HP, an enemy can also attack you ten times to force port you independent of your wall HP. Based on type of battle you are in, when force ported you are open for attacks since all your ghosted troops suddenly are back inside the city. Either put up a bubble as fast as you can or ghost your troops immediately again. (You don’t loose ghosted troops when being force ported, all troops will automatically be back in your city no matter where they was)

Remember that when you are lower level ghosting is limited by your troop march size and number of march slots. It’s therefore important that you never build more troops than you actually are able to ghost. Never build more troops than you can rally/march and build troops based on your current keep level at all times.

Lastly, there is a misunderstanding that to participate in PvP (SVS, KE and battlefield) you must be a certain level or strength, my opinion is that this is totally the wrong mindset. In order to be good at PvP you must start practicing it and use it. PvP battle skills can only be obtained by learning it and getting the right muscle memory, Therefore I urge all players to participate in PvP battle regardless of keep level. The only thing you must remember is that you should only engage enemy’s based on your own keep level and power. Never attack or engage in battles with players above your own keep level. Also remember that even when same keep level it can be a huge difference in power. So start by engaging with players that are safely below your own keep level. If you are not sure, always scout the enemy first. By scouting you can evaluate the power of the enemy and what troops are there, if you think you can win the attack, quickly pull back your PvP march and engage the attack. Remember to quickly ghost the troops again when they return to your city.

Evony is at the end not about farming although it is a necessary evil, Evony is about having fun with battles and engaging in wars. In the start you will fail and you will loose troops but don’t let that stop you. Everyone that is good at PvP has at some point failed and lost many battles! But by keep doing it and keep practicing it you will become better. Remember that it’s easier to rebuild when you are on low levels as compared to high levels. If you wait until you have keep level 30 to do PvP and have no idea or skills it will become far worse to loose all your troops, trust me! Having a keep level 30 with the wrong troops, generals, defence and buffs/debuffs is useless unless you know how to use it properly.

I urge all alliance members to learn PvP tactics and engaging in KE, SVS and battlefield, it’s both fun and rewarding!

Please ask questions in alliance chat and there is also many good guides online on YouTube and internet on how to engage in PvP and many other PvP topics. There is more to PvP tactics than ghosting so please read and watch stuff online or ask other members in alliance chat.

Hope to see more members active on next KE, battlefield and SVS!

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