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How to read Battle Reports

1 How to read battle reports

Reading and analyzing your battle reports is very important to understand why you either won or lost a defense or attack. There is a lot more to the battle report than the first page! In this lesson we will look at all the basics related to reading your report correctly and how to learn from them.

1.1 Summary page

Figure 1- Summary Page, part 1


Usually, you want to win the power exchange, this way you will most likely be positive in scores. However, note that the power exchange is not necessarily always straight forward. You can still be positive in scoring even if you loose power exchange. It will depend what type of troops are killed and the numbers.

Higher tier troops are worth more than lower tiers troops in points. Scoring per tier is different from SvS to Battlefield.

Figure 2 – Summary page, part 2


- If you attack, any reinforcements you kill will count towards the total power exchange.

- Same is true if you’re defending and has reinforcements in your city.

Figure 3 – Summary page, part 3


When you attack you always want all your subs to join so that all debuffs they bring will apply. If all troops die in a sub city that sub city will not join, and you lose out on the debuffs. Always make sure you have at least one troop in all you sub cities. The same principle applies if you’re defending.

Remember that if you are defending a building (not a keep) your sub cities cannot be used, therefore you will have less debuffs and are weaker.

1.2 Troop Buff/DeBuffs

To see the troop buffs, you must click on the “troop buff” button on top of the summary page.

Figure 4- Troop buff Page, part 1


Buffs are the most important factor when it comes to the result of a battle. If you attack an enemy that has severely better buffs than you, loss is almost certain.

If buffs are about equal, the numbers of troops, layers and type of troops will decide outcome. I.e., you can have a lot better buffs but if the enemy has a lot more troops, then you can still loose the battle due to sheer number difference. Same apply if you attack with the wrong troop type and/or layers.

Figure 5- Troop buff Page, part 2


Debuffs are highly important and will mostly come from your sub city and the sub city general’s gear. DeBuffs are applied to the defenders’ troops for each category. I.e., if you have a DeBuff value of 200% for Ranged troop attack, enemies ranged troop attack will be lowered by 200%.

The buff values shown in the buff part of the report is not including any DeBuffs applied!

You can only DeBuff a maximum of 50% of the defenders’ buffs. Meaning if defender has ranged attack of 1000%, you can only DeBuff that value by 500% even if you theoretical DeBuff value are higher.

Taking all this into account it’s easy to see why DeBuffs are so important to the outcome of a battle.

1.3 Battle Details

To see these details, click the “Battle Detail” button on main summary page.

Figure 6- Troop details Page


By checking each tier performance, you can see how effective your troops were against the enemy’s troops. You mostly care about those troop types you sent most of. Meaning if you sent a ranged attack you would want to see how your archers T14-T11 performed.

Also check that you have complete fill layers for all tiers and troops. All battles in Evony are turn based and one layer can only attack one other layer per turn. Meaning if you have less layers than the enemy you will be at a disadvantage since enemy gets free turns against you.

By comparing your own troops versus the enemy’s troops, you can better understand the details of the fight and why it went good or bad.


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