Generic – Pre-Battle
- Turn OFF rally notifications. (Except Setters)
- Turn OFF keep decorations unless it gives buffs (event décor, wings or useless flying dragons etc to avoid lags)
- Turn OFF chat bubble color (only setters will have a different color)
- Have presets ready for each troops type (Range, Cav, Ground, Big Siege) with senior march increase and dragon talent (march size one) active. Always stay senior boosted during the 2-hour battle and remember to activate useful dragon talents before battle begins.
- Have one healing preset in monarch gear
- In the attack or defense monarch gear preset, remember to use debuff monarch gears in the sets.
- Be sure all things are correctly arranged:
o Preset generals and assistants
o Correct wall general/assistant and sub generals
o Shrine offering for king’s protection
o Correct monarch gear presets
o Correct monarch talent tree for PvP
o Dragon talents activated
o Set the healing civilization treasure
o Correct culture (Japan, Russia or Arabia)
o Correct castle decoration if you have any (Siege or Cav attack are priority)
o Correct blazon set for PvP
o Check if your sub cities are connected to your keep
o Check for correct duty generals
Communication during battle
Always keep voice and chat calm and clean. Only useful information should be communicated, which includes:
- Targets: 10B in chat, “7B march out”
- Cart: “Right cart 2 mins”, “bottom cart 1 min”
- Incoming Rally: “arch rally on “player, shared in chat”, “Siege rally on “player”, shared in chat”
- Sometimes when joining rally, your march might be stuck at 00:00 and not fully joined (settled). This can happen frequently and if we send the rally early cause it looks full, we might land with half a rally. The only way to counters this is to inform in voice chat: *Arch sticking”, “Siege sticking” etc. If a major problem announce if settled, like “arch settled”, “siege settled”. This way the setter knows when he can send marches.
- Score: Frequent update on score is helpful to setter. “we’re first, leading with 50K”, “we’re second, 80k behind “team”.
- Port Status: “we got 10 ports left, all portals red”, “Lion has 5 ports left”, Bear is port locked”. This is especially important when we fall below 20 ports due to the new port rule.
Not Useful Information
- I’m getting soloed: there’s nothing we can do to help you
- I’m getting lagged: again, nothing anyone can do. EXPECT LAG TO HAPPEN AND POWER THROUGH IT. Part of being a good player/team is how well you/we adopt to lag, as it wil happen to everyone. Keep your cool, don’t get frustrated and just power through it.
- I’m not making any rally: Don’t say it, be faster!
- Anything else that’s just banter
- Don't share useless info in chat like: battle reports, location for dead keeps etc! Thanks to alliance GOT for making most of this, i have just made minor adjustments!